Besides being the subject of hilarious debate about its pronunciation, kubectl is of course the Kubernetes command line interface. Everyone working with Kubernetes has some kind of go-to list of favorite commands. Even the official Kubernetes site offers a kubectl cheat sheet. These are some of my favorite commands.
Disclaimer: even though many of these commands are read-only, always make sure you understand what commands are doing before running them – blindly copying & pasting things you find on the internet into your terminal is a bad idea.
Some of these commands use jq for filtering and formatting kubectl output , which I sometimes find more convenient than the build-in query options.
I hope you find the cheat sheet useful, and check back as I might update this page.
- Pods
- show pod IPs
- display the pod's owner (often a replicaset)
- display ports for all containers in a pod that have a number less than 1024
- display cpu/mem requests and limits for containers
- find all pods that container the annotation ""
- find pods with nodeSelector key "group" and print the value
- find all pods running on a certain node
- find all pods not having "Running" status
- print all images running in all namespaces, sorted by number of times seen
- display all pods sorted by the nodes they are running on
- display all pods sorted by restart count
- get pod names without any header
- display pods using labels contained in a list
- sort pods by memory/cpu usage
- Nodes
- show all values for the "group" label across all nodes
- show node label values for ""
- show kubelet version across all nodes
- show kubelet version matching a particular string
- get InternalIP of nodes
- get node taints
- get number of pods running on each node
- sort nodes by memory capacity
- sort nodes by age
- drain node with common options
- Services
- Deployment
- Patch
- Logs
- Miscellaneous
- show cluster info
show pod IPs
kubectl get pods -o,IP:.status.podIP
display the pod’s owner (often a replicaset)
kubectl get pod -o json | jq '.items[] | [, .metadata.ownerReferences[0].name] |@tsv' -r
display ports for all containers in a pod that have a number less than 1024
kubectl get pod -A -o json | jq 'try(.items[] | select((.spec.containers[].ports != null) and (.spec.containers[].ports[].containerPort < 1024)) | { "name":, "namespace": .metadata.namespace, "ports": .spec.containers[].ports[].containerPort })'
display cpu/mem requests and limits for containers
kubectl get pods -o=custom-columns='NAME:spec.containers[*].name,MEMREQ:spec.containers[*].resources.requests.memory,MEMLIM:spec.containers[*].resources.limits.memory,CPUREQ:spec.containers[*].resources.requests.cpu,CPULIM:spec.containers[*].resources.limits.cpu'
find all pods that container the annotation “”
kubectl get pods -A -ojson |jq '.items[] .metadata |select(.annotations | has("")) | [.namespace, .name] |@tsv' -r
find pods with nodeSelector key “group” and print the value
kubectl get pods -o json |jq '.items[]|select(.spec.nodeSelector|has("group")) |[,.spec.nodeSelector["group"]]|@tsv' -r
find all pods running on a certain node
kubectl get po -A -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.spec.nodeName=="") |'
find all pods not having “Running” status
kubectl get pods -A --field-selector=status.phase!=Running
print all images running in all namespaces, sorted by number of times seen
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{..image}" |\
tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' |\
sort |\
uniq -c |\
display all pods sorted by the nodes they are running on
kubectl get pods -o wide --sort-by="{.spec.nodeName}" --all-namespaces
display all pods sorted by restart count
kubectl get pods -A -o json |jq '.items[] |[.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount ,] |join("\t")' -r |sort -n
get pod names without any header
kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=""
display pods using labels contained in a list
kubectl get pods -A -l 'env in (production, development)'
sort pods by memory/cpu usage
# cpu
kubectl top pods -A | sort --reverse --key 3 --numeric
# memory
kubectl top pods -A | sort --reverse --key 4 --numeric
show all values for the “group” label across all nodes
kubectl get nodes -o |sort -u
show node label values for “”
kubectl get nodes -o json |jq ‘.items[] .metadata |[.name, .labels[“”]]|@tsv’ -r
show kubelet version across all nodes
kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r ‘.items[] | [, .status.nodeInfo[“kubeletVersion”]]|@tsv’
show kubelet version matching a particular string
kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[] |select(.status.nodeInfo["kubeletVersion"] == "v1.23.17-eks-a5565ad") | [, .status.nodeInfo["kubeletVersion"]]|@tsv'
get InternalIP of nodes
kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[].status.addresses[]? | select (.type == "InternalIP") | .address'
get node taints
kubectl get nodes -o go-template='{{printf "%-50s %-12s\n" "Node" "Taint"}}{{- range .items}}{{- if $taint := (index .spec "taints") }}{{- }}{{ "\t" }}{{- range $taint }}{{- .key }}={{ .value }}:{{ .effect }}{{ "\t" }}{{- end }}{{- "\n" }}{{- end}}{{- end}}'
get number of pods running on each node
kubectl get po -o json --all-namespaces | jq '.items | group_by(.spec.nodeName) | map({"nodeName": .[0].spec.nodeName, "count": length}) | sort_by(.count)'
sort nodes by memory capacity
kubectl get node -o json | jq -r '.items | sort_by(.status.capacity.memory)[]|[,.status.capacity.memory]| @tsv'
sort nodes by age
kubectl get nodes -o wide --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
drain node with common options
# not read-only!
# --force means continue even if there are pods that do not declare a controller
kubectl drain --delete-emptydir-data --ignore-daemonsets --force <name of node>
get loadbalancer hostnames
kubectl get service -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] |select(.spec.type == "LoadBalancer") | [, .metadata.namespace, .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname]| @tsv'
get ports of all services running nodePort
kubectl get -A svc -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.ports[].nodePort != null) | [,([.spec.ports[].nodePort | tostring ] | join("|"))]| @tsv'
set image
kubectl set image deployment/webserver apache=httpd:2.45.7
view logs using deployment object
kubectl logs -f deploy/webservice
patch a daemonset to set nodeSelector
# not read-only !
kubectl patch daemonset <name-of-daemon-set> -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"nodeSelector": {"foo": "bar"}}}}}'
example using json patch
# not read-only!
kubectl patch daemonset.apps/aws-node --type json --patch "$(cat aws-node.yaml)"
# contents of aws-node.yaml
- op: add
path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/-
value: 5
stream logs but start at end
kubectl logs -f my-pod --tail=50
stream logs from all containers in a pod
kubectl logs -f <pod name> --all-containers
view logs of a previous (e.g. crashed) container
kubectl logs <pod name> --previous
stream logs by label
kubectl logs -f -l app=nginx
create a job pod from a cronjob
# not read-only!
kubectl create job --from=cronjob/<name of cronjob> <name of job pod> -o yaml |kubectl -f - patch --type json --patch "$(cat job-patch.yml)" |kubectl apply -f -
# contents of job-patch.yml
- op: add
path: /spec/backoffLimit
value: 0
- op: add
path: /spec/template/spec/restartPolicy
value: Never
copy secret to another namespace
kubectl get secrets <secret name> -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: .*/namespace: newnamespace/' | k apply -f -
copy all secrets to another namespace
kubectl get secrets -o json --namespace namespace-old | \
jq '.items[].metadata.namespace = "namespace-new"' | \
kubectl create-f -
get resources containing a certain label
kubectl get all -A -o json |jq '.items[] |select(.metadata.labels[""] == "Tiller")|[, .kind,] |@tsv' -r
view events sorted by timestamp
kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
get annotations (serviceaccount example)
kubectl get sa -ojson |jq '.items[] .metadata |select(.annotations) | { "namespace": .namespace, "name": .name, "annotations": .annotations}'
show kube api endpoints
kubectl get --raw "/" | jq
display api-versions
kubectl api-versions
show cluster info
kubectl cluster-info
# or add dump, for relevant information for debugging and diagnosis
kubectl cluster-info dump